account for

account foraccount for1.说明〔解释〕…原因His illness accounts for his absence.他因为生病, 所以才缺席。Two things account for its occurrence.发生这件事的原因有两个。The disappearance of the papers has never been accounted for.那些文件丢得莫名其妙。How do you account for losing five games in a row?你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?Lack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.缺钱是她辍学的原因。

account for1.说明(原因、理由等),是…的原因;解释,对…作出解释(或说明):Jack could not account for his foolish mistake.杰克无法解释自己的愚蠢错误。2.说出(钱物等)的处理经过,讲清(各项花费、亏空原因等),说明钱的去向,报账:He has to account to the chairman for all the money he spends.他必须向主席说明他所花掉所有钱的去向。3.导致,引起,起因于:The flood accounted for the bad crop.水灾导致歉收。4.[口语]打死,射死,枪杀;消灭;俘获,捕获(人、动物);击落(飞机); 【体育】击败;击出场:The policemen accounted for three terrorists at the airport.警察在飞机场击毙了三名恐怖分子。5.还钱;为(干的坏事)受处分(或赔款),受到惩罚:It will take her fifteen years in prison to account for such horrible crime.她犯下如此可怕的罪行,得坐15年牢。6.对(或为)…负责:You will have to account for the disappearance of the money.你要对丢失了钱负责。7.共计达;(在数量、比例上)占:It accounts for 15 per cent of all air accidents.它占所有空难的15%。
